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Network Router

Additional details and running code in PR #981


Add the ability for devices running nexd to access non-nexd devices and act as a router for external networks.


There are two supported use cases.

  1. Network Router with SNAT: Traffic from the Nexd mesh can reach external non-nexd nodes via source NAT without any configuration required.
  2. Network Router with SNAT disabled: Traffic from the Nexd mesh can reach external non-nexd nodes but external nodes require a route to be added for return traffic since SNAT is disabled.

With SNAT disabled, a user can initiate traffic from external, non-nexd devices to initiate traffic in to the nexodus mesh.

Network Router with SNAT

This is a zero touch provisioning for the non-nexodus device since the edge nexd device will be source natting the traffic.

nexd --username admin --password floofykittens --service-url \
    router --advertise-cidr --network-router  

The advertise-cidr subnet specified will get distributed to all Nexodus peers. Those peers will get a route with a next hop of the Wireguard interface. In the following, you can view the advertise-cidr routes in the routing tables of nexd-node2 in the diagram.

# Linux
$ ip route | grep wg0 dev wg0 dev wg0 dev wg0

Here is an example with text diagramming a packet flow.


The nftables configuration for this scenario look as follows:

table inet nexodus-net-router {
    chain prerouting {
        type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;

     chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
        oifname "eth0" counter packets 3 bytes 230 masquerade

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
        oifname "eth0" ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept

Network Router with SNAT disabled

There are additional configurations required to make this scenario work:

  • The non-nexd node needs to have a route, either static or from the underlying IGP pointing to the ingress interface on the nexd edge node.
  • It is common for there to be source/destination traffic checking enabled and blocked by default on cloud provider instances. For example, on EC2, one would need to disable source / destination check. The rest of the IP forwarding enablement is managed by the nexd agent.

To configure this scenario add a route on the non-nexd device for the nexodus network prefix:

sudo ip route add via

Start the daemon with the additional --disable-nat parameter:

nexd  --username admin --password floofykittens router --advertise-cidr --network-router --disable-nat

The advertise-cidr subnet specified will get distributed to all Nexodus peers. Those peers will get a route with a next hop of the Wireguard interface. In the following, you can view the advertise-cidr routes in the routing tables of nexd-node2 in the diagram.

# Linux
$ ip route | grep wg0 dev wg0 dev wg0 dev wg0

Here is an example with text diagramming a packet flow.


The nftables configuration for this scenario look as follows:

table inet nexodus-net-router {
    chain prerouting {
        type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;

    chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
        oifname "eth0" ip daddr counter packets 1049 bytes 88116 accept

Security Considerations

  • Since devices are forwarding traffic from non-nexodus devices, nexodus restricts the allowed traffic to the IP prefix specified in the --advertise-cidr. This prevents arbitrary hosts from gaining access to the nexodus device peers.
  • Additional compensating controls can be added via nexodus security groups to further restrict what traffic is permitted to be allowed in or out of the peerings from non-nexd devices.

Future Enhancements

  • Add a future enhancement idea of a flag that allows routing traffic into a Nexodus network with SNAT but without specifying any prefixes to advertise. This would allow a user to use Nexodus as a router for external traffic without having to specify any prefixes to advertise. This would be useful for scenarios where a user wants to use Nexodus as a router for external traffic but does not want to advertise any prefixes to the Nexodus network.