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Nexodus Development

This is the development documentation for Nexodus. It is intended for developers who want to contribute to Nexodus.

Getting Started


Linux and Mac environments are supported for development.

Development of Nexodus requires the following dependencies:

  • Docker
  • Go

Other dependencies can be installed by running hack/ See the script for further details on the dependencies it installs.

Code Organization

For an overview of where to find different parts of the codebase, see Code Organization.


Run make to see documentation of the available build targets. The most common build target is make all, which will build the agent, API server, and supporting utilities. It will also build them across supported platforms and architectures.

More Details

For further details on the development environment, including IDE-specific tips, see Development Tooling.

Testing your changes

For some changes to nexd or nexctl, you can run them against our production or QA environments.

For changes where you want to run your own local copy of the whole Nexodus service stack, we offer a development environment that runs in kind. To start this environment, run make run-on-kind. This will start a local Kubernetes cluster and deploy the Nexodus service stack to it. You can then run make run-nexd-container to quickly start an instance of the agent and connect it to the local instance of Nexodus.

For more details on this environment, see the Nexodus Service documentation.

Automated Tests

Unit tests are run with make test. Integration tests are run against a local Nexodus instance running in kind with make e2e. Further details on the integration tests can be found in the integration tests documentation.


Debugging tips can be found in Debugging.


See the pull requests page for details on how to contribute to Nexodus.

Take a look at the project's guiding principles to get a sense of some of the factors that influence the project's direction.